Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Plog, a place for pizza.

So I says to myself, "Self, this world needs another plogger and you're just the man for the pan." For those of you unfamiliar with such folksy colloquialisms, that is to say "Cody, good sir, write about pizza: your one true love. You owe it to yourself, you owe it to the world."

Now, no one is here to say I'm the end-all, be-all of pizza perspicacity, but I know a thing or two about the pizza pie. Not, like, professionally, but I've been an avid consumer of the stuff for longer than some of you have been alive.

Pizza comes in all (a few) shapes, sizes and variations and, believe it or not, Houston has a lot to offer the pizza-loving community. As a member of that community I'm here to fill you in on my findings and offer my suggestions on pizza in the greater Houston metro. I hope to help you find your new favorite pizza or, perhaps, you will help me find mine.